Jumat, 16 November 2012

Eleanor McEvoy - Only A Woman's Heart

My heart is low, My heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman, as only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know

The tears that drip from my bewildered eyes
Taste of bittersweet romance
You're still in my hopes
You're still on my mind oh
And even though I manage on my own

My heart is low, My heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman, only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know

When restless eyes reveal my troubled soul
And memories flood my weary heart
I mourn for my dreams
I mourn for my wasted love
And while I know that I'll survive alone

My heart is low, My heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman, only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know

Jangan Bunuh Aku.

dan aku pun terjaga,
entah karena cekikan nafas,
atau karena air mata yang mengeras,
hingga perih mengoyak wajah.

ketika malam mengarakku kedekapnya,
tercekat oleh kenyataan ta kuharap,
setelah penantian panjang ta berarah.

mengapa saling melukai,
bila sama sama saling mencintai??
mengapa menjerit dan memaksa tangis,
bila dikata cinta t'lah terpatri??

aku bukan patung,
diam ta bernyawa,
tanpa hasrat dan harapan.

aku wanitamu,
punya hati, jiwa dan nyawa,
jangan bunuh aku!!

Sungguh Ini Salah.

malam semakin pekat,
dada ini makin sesak saja,
diam ini menyayat jiwa,
merusak harapan yang susah payah kujaga.

aku dengar hujan enggan bicara,
angin juga tiada menyapa,
hanya ada sepi dan dingin yang kelam merayap.

sungguh ini salah!!
bukankah kita sedang berdua??
biasanya kita sedang merangkai asa,
berjanji menembus badai bersama,
mengapa kini hanya ada senyap??



Tuhan pasti sedang berduka,
anakNya hilang,
berkelana jauh dan tersesat.

Tuhan pasti sedang menangis,
kecintaanNya memeluk sepi,
seolah Dia ta ada di sisi.

Tuhan pasti sedang meratap,
ingin anakNya pulang,
diam dalam pelukan.

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Seolah Mengerti.

seolah mengerti,
langit kirimkan hujan,
usir sepi,
sepi,, di tengah hingar bingar.

alunan berdentum,
telinga pekak,
bahasa bahasa asing,
menusuk dada.

aku hilang,
menghilang dan terhilang ditelan masa,
ketika air mata sudah biasa,
maka diam adalah pilihan yang tersisa.

seolah mengerti,
langit kirimkan hujan,
biar sejuk damai,
mungkin logika bisa paksa hati tuk mereda.

Senin, 12 November 2012

An Amazing Song.

Lagu lama yang sudah amat sangat umum, but its still and always amazed me. :)
(amazing grace w/ lyric)

-- Amazing Grace --

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

So What??!!

Yup. My life was messed up. I was a bullying victim. I was very poor and hitted and etc since i was 2 years old. :(

When I grew up, aku tidak menjalani jalan yang ingin kujalani (--ngerti kan??--). Life pushed me to be strong. I live on my own in my entire life. Not alone, but totally lonely.

I found my bestiest ever (not much, but means a lot to me!!), but they seems couldn't stay forever with me. Suddenly lost their love and passion. I'd rearrange my mariage, still don't know till when. And I really don't wanna talk about it right know.

Then I left my great job* (people say so), right before i knew that my daddy wasn't my daddy. Then the real one came up with so many shit that hurt me a lot. (Pls don't use social media for trying to embarassed me!! U already did it without doing nothing.).


Hidupku super kacau, so what??!! Apakah aku harus malu?? Nope. I'm proud that I still alive, even on my own. I'm glad to feel all this feeling and still survive. I will. Aku akan baik-baik saja. For sure.


I'm totally fine, but desperatelly missing u. :(

Kupilih Kau.

Beberapa hari lalu, terbersit 1 penggal kalimat "kupilih kau dari sekian banyak,,". Kalimat ini butuh waktu berhari-hari, hingga akhirnya sore ini, langit memberi cahaya penunjuk arah lanjutannya. Selamat menikmati. :)

-- Kupilih Kau --

Kupilih kau dari sekian banyak pria,
Bukan untuk mengeringkan air mata,
Bukan pula untuk mengikat raga dalam sumpah,
Namun untuk mengembara bersama jiwaku yang luka.

Kupilih kau dari sekian banyak pria,
Bukan untuk kawan tertawa,
Bukan pula untuk berbagi duka lara,
Namun untuk menunjukkan arah rumah Tuhan,
Tempat damai kan bersemayam.

Jangan buatku kecewa,
Aku ta lagi lapar akan harapan,
Atau janji-janji surga,
Aku hanya ingin bahagia.

Kupilih kau dari sekian banyak pria,
Bukan untuk mengeringkan air mata,

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Press Release (Part 2)

Yak sodara-sodara,, Ujian tentang bagaimana menulis press release yang baik dan benar saja belum lolos, eh dapat informasi bahwa press release kita harus dalam bahasa inggris. Wkakakakakak,,

Berbekal kemampuan bahasa inggris ala kadarnya --- karena sering bicara ma bule-bule pas keluarga (yang bule) datang liburan ke indonesia, serta hasil jadi guru les bahasa inggris anak-anak playgroup dan TK --- saia pun berusaha menerjemahkan press release saia yang berbahasa indonesia acak kadut, ke bahasa inggris yang (semogaaaaaa,,) benar dan bisa dimengerti pembacanya. Amin.

Sekali lagi, wish me luck!! (-____-)V

Selasa, 06 November 2012

Press Release.

Pagi ini, waktu lagi serius-seriusnya dandan (hadeuh, dandan ajah serius lho!!), tiba-tiba teringat kalau ditugasi membuat press release untuk acara ground breaking di Cilember minggu lalu. Press release????? Apakah ituuuhh??!!?? Ora weruh aku T_T Hahahahaha,, 

Dan usaha saia untuk menciptakan press release dimulai dari.................. googling!! :p

"A press releasenews releasemedia releasepress statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, or television networks."

Well, i'll try to write it. Wish me luck!! (^___^)V

Minggu, 04 November 2012

It Takes Three - Randy & Shannon

I can’t believe God placed you in my life
Baby it’s a dream, to hold you close, to know that you are mine
I never thought, I’d meet a friend like you

What you mean to me, I’m learning more, that words will never do
So I’m gonna show you with my life how much you mean to me\
But I could never do without the One who made us both see

It takes three, to make a marriage work, to reveal, what only God can do
It takes three to see the Father’s love revealed in us

Just the two, could never be enough
And although we’re committed when times get tough
We still need the One who’s faithful and so true
I know it takes (I know it takes) 
Me, Jesus and you!

It’s hard to understand why people say –
"Just give them a couple of years….They’ll settle down, their love will fade away.”
I pray that they would come to know this love…

It’s not just what we feel, It’s a precious gift, It’s sent from up above 
So with Christ the love grows more and more until the final day 
So with our love we celebrate the One Who gave His life away

It takes three, to make a marriage work, to reveal, what only God can do
It takes three to see the Father’s love revealed in us 

Just the two, could never be enough
And although we’re committed when times get tough
We still need the One who’s faithful and so true
I know it takes (I know it takes)
Me, Jesus and you!

I know baby when we say forever (forever) 
It’s gonna be forever Cause we’re not here to try this out 
We’re gonna to press on through beyond a shadow of a doubt

We’ve based our lives upon the love of Jesus Christ
So we simply recognize the truth and give the Lord our lives 

It takes three, to make a marriage work, to reveal, what only God can do
It takes three to see the Father’s love revealed in us 

Just the two, could never be enough
And although we’re committed when times get tough
We still need the One who’s faithful and so true
I know it takes (I know it takes)
Me, Jesus and you!

(We’re gonna share our lives together) Me, Jesus and you! 
(We’re gonna walk in the light of the Father) Me, Jesus and you! 
Oh, Me, Jesus and you!

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Joz2VQu-w&noredirect=1

Jumat, 02 November 2012

At Mansyur's Bengkel.

Dalam keadaan super duper cape abis meeting semalaman, sekarang nemenin ngebengkel (again!!) karena ga ada waktu lagi. Huff. I'm so tired. *zzz *sambilngunyahwafer